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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Historically Corrupt Ken Paxton Acquitted By Texas Senate

Ken Paxton was acquitted by the Texas Senate. 

Florida is governed by a troll and their Republican-stacked Supreme Court is likely to find a way to have a state form of Dobbs, stripping abortion rights from the state constitution.  Meanwhile, they find more and more ways to harm trans people and corrupt the education system while being "anti-woke," which is the most ridiculous concept in recent years.  

Texas seemed to finally show some limit to accepting corruption but they went another way.  Not that they overall are doing well, including with their Mexican border shenanigans.  I'm really tired.  Get back to me on "both sides" and how there isn't only one credible party.  TWO Republicans of 18 basically voted with the Democrats.  Two.  

I would hope (a local said it's possible) that this would lead to a serious backlash.  I'll believe it when I see it.  I fear it will just make the margins a bit closer and people will (yet again) be somewhat excited and dream of Texas going blue.  Florida seemed that way and then Republicans took total control and Democrats look like the party that is a total mess.

Good op-ed on why "duh" you support Biden/Harris in '24, including not risking a bunch of black voters staying home by taking Kamala Harris off the ticket.  Anyway, this is disgusting.  He is uber-corrupt and as an attorney general, it has even more "rule of law" importance.  Time for a new second party.  Totally serious.

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