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Saturday, September 30, 2023

No Shutdown

We had a lot of drama, and a bit more talk about another little discussed provision of the 14th Amendment, a few months ago with the debt ceiling business.

Now, we had another whole clown show because the House of Republicans are run by shitheads. Yeah. Kevin McCarthy is the chief shithead. He's not as much of a total clown as a few of that bunch, including the woman caught vaping and making out at a public theater. But, he sucks up to them (and the head evil clown) to retain power.

McCarthy decided at almost the last minute to support a continuing resolution to kick the can down another month and a half. This required a supermajority and the Democrats to act like the adults in the room. Yet again. The pill to swallow was not including any more Ukraine funding. 

A nice bit of pro-Putin.  Total clown show.  The Senate, which previously by a supermajority vote (like 77 votes) supported a clean bill was sane. This might help the rather depressing result of the Democrats retaining control of the House next year but losing the Senate. This is a rather low test of sanity. And, with the ability of the Senate to block nominations, of the two houses, wouldn't you rather the Democrats control the Senate? 

Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a leading Democratic progressive from the Bronx, "accidentally" pulled the fire alarm during the voting process. The idea is he did this purposely as a delay mechanism, the Republicans springing the vote before the Democrats had time to examine and discuss what they were voting on. If so, who cares? Really now. Stop being moronic. 

I actually saw someone leave a comment that he will probably lose his seat for this. Another person shook his head at the alleged stupidity. Seriously? His Bronx constituents care? The Republicans are the ones who are abusing the process, after starting a sham impeachment investigation of President Biden.  

The governor of California has promised to appoint a black woman as a placeholder for the Dianne Feinstein seat, not wanting to put a thumb on the scales of the current battle over the seat. Good move. Just do it soon.

And, can we elect people who are not fucking clowns to govern us? Yeah, that means Democrats. The other side is unfit to govern, at best enabling Trumpism but not being totally clowns about it all.  

ETA: We are getting used to dysfunction since so far eventually the grown-ups (Democrats) are there and the chaos caucus (some segment of the Republicans) is too small to win in the end. But, again, who is in what group? About time Republicans get repaid for being chaos agents.

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