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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Freedom Summer

Freedom Libraries: The Untold Story of Libraries for African-Americans in the South by Mark Shelby (a librarian) is a good little book about a largely forgotten part of the Civil Rights Movement. Sally Belfrage is one of the many people covered. She wrote multiple memoirs.

She wrote a memoir of her time growing up in the 1950s with a communist sympathetizing father. It was published right after she died in the mid-1990s. I thought it a bit too pretentious with a rather unpleasant bit about the fate of various animals.

Freedom Summer was written right after the events. Her specific role was at a "freedom library," but most of the memoir covers other ground, including her days in jail. She is modest about her role mixed with the absurdity of it all. I found it well written with lots of detail.

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