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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Measured Response, Please

A blog referenced a lawsuit brought after a student received a school suspension for using the term "illegal alien" in class, resulting in a student allegedly threatening him. A local media account. Various "can you believe this" stuff; the blog itself is measured.

A few quick thoughts. (1) Some comments referenced the complaint to cite some of the facts. We can not merely rely on one side's take on that. (2) The school has privacy obligations that restrain them from telling their side. Might be more to it.

(3) It's quite possible the school overreacted, especially if it turns out the other student was kidding. Thousands of incidents occur in school and elsewhere. There are mistakes. The system factors in a way to address that. An incident is not necessarily the norm.

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