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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Trump Found Guilty

Trump was found guilty. 34/34. Paul Campos summarizes:

The reason Trump was convicted of 34 felonies after a very short jury deliberation is because the evidence was overwhelming that he was guilty of exactly what the state of New York charged him with doing, which was to buy the silence of a porn star with who he had a few minutes of semi-consensual sex, via a fraud through his lawyer, intended to cover up the transaction for the purposes of violating federal election laws, in order to get elected president.

Cynical "Trump is probably going to win" Erik Loomis at the same blog had a post (won't link) saying it won't matter. Trump voters will not change their minds. Mr. Buzzkill. 

(His political analysis is of limited value. He was sure Sanders would be the nominee in 2020.)

Rick "meh about this" Hasen had his own analysis.  I think overall it's reasonable if somewhat low-key. He notes  at the end that it is "extraordinary in American politics" that Trump is now a "convicted felon." That alone is far from "meh."

The fact Trump was tried in a court of law alone was a major accomplishment. I want today to focus on that. One important thing here is that this is about the 2016 elections. Each trial has its own nuances with the Georgia and D.C. overlapping to some degree. Each has its importance.  

How will it affect the 2024 elections? The honest answer is "unclear." Some polling suggests that there will be a mild negative effect on Trump. In a close election, that is significant. If he was found not guilty or there was a hung jury, it is hard to think it would not have helped him.  

The sentencing is July 11th. Can he vote in Florida? That is complicated/not totally clear and DeSantis even has promised legislation to help if necessary. So, let's wait and see.  

The first elected "president" impeached twice has a new first -- the first convicted felon. Let's hope not the first time. Earlier in the day, there was yet another horrible Judge Cannon decision. We await the Trump immunity ruling from the Supreme Court. Georgia has a long way to go. 

Today is a good day. Let's enjoy it. No, It's not magic. I have repeatedly underlined it wasn't. That's a strawman. 

It's still a good day. 

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