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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Juneteenth became a national holiday in 2021

The holiday celebrates the end of slavery in Texas. As Vice President Harris recently said:

For more than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, as we all know — two years after — hundreds of thousands of Americans in Texas were still enslaved.  Then, Union troops arrived in Galveston, and on June 19th, 1865, the enslaved people of Texas learned they were free.  On that day, they claimed their freedom. 

And today, as we celebrate Juneteenth, together we are reminded of the promise of America: a promise of freedom, liberty, and opportunity not for some but for all. 

In many ways, the story of Juneteenth and of our nation is a story of our ongoing fight to realize that promise, our ongoing fight to build a nation that is more equal, more fair, and more free; a nation where every person has the opportunity not to just get by but get ahead.

Since taking office, with the support of so many of the leaders here today, President Biden and I have continued that fight. 

Juneteenth celebrates the day that slaves in Texas found out they were free. The Emancipation Proclamation declared slaves in areas under Confederate control immediately free. Nonetheless, the law developed that freedom came when Union troops controlled the area. See, e.g., John Fabian Witt's Lincoln's Code.

Texas was the last state controlled by Union troops, the surrender of Kirby-Smith's forces coming in early June 1865. For those who like to know all the details, President Andrew Johnson officially declared the Civil War completely over the next year, when Texas organized a new government. See the note at the last link.

I write various comments about the holiday and slavery in remarks in the thread here ("Joe from the Bronx"). Some argue the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment is a better day. The ratification took place in December, which is the heart of its own holiday season.

Juneteenth has over the years been celebrated as a day in honor of freedom from slavery. It is partially a logical day since this is the time of year to celebrate our values (Flag Day and Fourth of July). The holiday celebrates something that deserves its own holiday. Carping on date placement is silly.

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