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Monday, June 17, 2024

SCOTUS Watch: Order List

The Supreme Court, as expected, got around to labeling Thursday and Friday as opinion days. There might be over twenty opinions left. I think there will be three opinion days next week. 

The Order List was six pages and bland. Jackson said why she recused, Barrett did not. The case Jackson recused in (previous service) was an Indian Gaming Regulatory Act dispute. Kavanaugh for some unstated reason noted he would have taken the case for review.

The Supreme Court also took four cases for review, their schedule for next term is still somewhat thin. Matching the cases with SCOTUSBlog summaries, the controversies involve a Fair Labor Standards Act exemption, mail or wire fraud, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, and False Claims. Nothing hot button.

The bump stock opinion had a typo. It was corrected. 

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