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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Drone White Paper Leaked

Seems like the John Brennan nomination as CIA head influenced leaking the title document, which as I noted here basically covers ground I read about other places in speeches, Kill or Capture and the like. There's a few things that seem to be gone over and over again, this included. More confused "assassination" stuff etc. Sheesh, just publicly release a formal legal memoranda. Note it was released to Senate committees. Yet another bit of oversight.

Update: I'm sure there are serious questions to ask here but there is a certain core legality that some seem overly confused about.


JackD said...

Doesn't the issue remain whether or not the AUMF has put us in a state of war with al Quaida and its affiliates (hello, Tom Jefferson and the Pirates)? If so, members of the other team can be killed as the opportunity arises.

Joe said...

It is my understanding that TWO reasons are offered: the authorization of military force AND some right to national self-defense though I don't know of any drone strike where #1 wouldn't have been enough (someone too tangential to the organizations cited by its terms?).

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