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Friday, September 13, 2019

"This Is Excellent News For Joe Biden"

I provided a late remark to a discussion involving Biden's performance at the last debate and some media commentators grading him on a curve.  I will include the comment with a bit added below.  Separately, I noted that I thought Sanders a useful candidate in 2016, if a protest candidate. That isn't a dig; it has a valuable function. But, especially as Warren hits her stride, not sure what value he has now.  Plus, people go after her to try to explain ("explain") otherwise. Bad look.

There are various reasons for Biden's support and as someone who strongly opposes his primary candidacy I do not ignore these things though am unclear about how soft they are.  This is something at times alleged: we are against him so do not want to admit why people like him.  As to the last point, a few shove positive poll numbers in our faces though the numbers fluctuate and especially early one it was unclear how strong they were.  Like the high poll numbers for POC -- when they vote in the primary, what will they do?  Will a tiny fraction vote for actual POC candidates? 

Stephen Colbert (who really wanted him to run in 2016 though has done jokes about his gaffes now) suggested Biden provides nostalgia -- you felt better before Trump and I'm that. This is somewhat mixed with some unsavory things as seen by some of his comments on race and so forth. (This is touched upon in the comments such as references to poor people that are implied to be really about black poor people.)  He also comes off as a nice guy to some people, safe old pol etc.

He also has Obama sheen (though from what I can tell, Obama himself is not that gung ho for the guy) which helps his POC support ('old white dude was a loyal soldier for a black guy' helps a lot here but so does a certain sense of realism, including cynicism about the chance of someone else -- a woman with a bunch of plans? that's nice, but they won't buy that, sorry etc. -- winning .. Biden is a loyal safe choice there and POC have shown some distrust of various reformers here including AOC and the reform DA that lost a close race in Queens).

But, I think he has various problems and if they are not handwaved (and some damn well seem to want to do it) too much, some of his supporters pragmatically if nothing else will be wary of him. Either way, the problems are there and I'm very concerned about them.  I really am. Before he ran, I pointed out (as did others) his problems and they just aren't his age (it is not "ageism" to point out his problems -- one person who generally is an intelligent fellow even said he thought the minimum age rule was stupid ... what 34 year old is going to have enough experience to be POTUS?!). 

I really don't want Biden to be the nominee. Warren or Harris, please.  I don't think he is a lock yet but this sort of bs soft-pedaling (as the link notes, viewers in general thought he did much more badly) is concerning. We saw this game before.

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