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Saturday, November 07, 2020

Election Update: Still Tired

[Pennsylvania was called as I wrote this, thus clinching it for Biden/Harris.]  

The results in the local elections were as expected though a quick search did not show the winners of the judicial races. So stupid.  

John Cummings, whose name at least I see around [which is notable; the local city council member papered his name around in a a multi-member race] did not beat AOC. Shocker.  The election over, Alessandra Biaggi (my state senator) can return (per the rules) send email updates about the Big V and so forth. Her BFF, Yuh-Line Niou, Twitter Queen, ran unopposed in the assembly.  BTW, I also received a confirmation online that you did not have to wear a mask to go to the polls in New York. Most did. But, the badmouthing of let's say the governor of Texas should be used by some with a bit of humility.  

We knew that stuff back on Tuesday night.  The networks -- though the Decision Desk called Pennsylvania and the election -- early Friday still have not announced Biden/Harris won.  At 4:20 in the morning, someone tweeted Biden went ahead in Georgia (which would do it if Arizona held up, which it should) and then John Legend sung that Georgia was on his mind.  It looked like shortly after 9AM that the numbers in Pennsylvania were strong enough that it would be called. This basically clarified what was fairly sure on Tuesday and more so by Thursday.

No.  On the front, over 1700 ballots were found in state post offices per a sweep mandated by a federal judge, and he later ordered the same done in various other areas. This might not matter for Biden specifically, but still might in some other race. Plus, there is the basic principle of counting the votes of each citizen here (and non-citizen in cases where they might have the ability to vote for other offices).  We even had a bit of Supreme Court news though the order from Justice Alito didn't really do anything. OTOH, "The legal gambits appear aimed at sowing confusion and uncertainty around the election that at this point appears to be tilting heavily towards former Vice President Joe Biden." (Will update as necessary.)

How about my original depression and so forth? Saw some saying we should not be negative there, should focus on that fact we won.  On that front, at least regarding Biden, I guess there is something to that up to a point.  If the numbers hold, Biden will have not only won a notably bigger (over four million and counting at the moment) popular vote margin, but fittingly the same electoral votes as Trump (really two more given faithless electors).  And, winning Georgia (RIP John Lewis) -- where let us recall he basically clinched the nomination -- and Arizona is no hand-wave.  One rather it not be so damn close and that he would win some place else (toss in the Trump Three, Michigan especially shifting big to Biden), but it the only reason it is a "nail-biter" is the Electoral College in the age of the Big V.

Still, it simply is horrible all the same that so many people have voted for Trump.  The Senate remains the poison pill.  People had big dreams, not just related to the Supreme Court. Without a Democratic Senate, even a major voting rights bill -- which fucking damn it is basic American principle or should be -- will be at most a watered down deal.  Think again about D.C. or Puerto Rico (which actually had a referendum and by a small margin supported it) statehood.  Moscow Mitch (to toss in more news, rumors Putin is ill, maybe Parkinson's, and is being pressured to resign) can still fucking screw with the courts by blocking nominees.  Oh. Amy Coney Barrett was still a major act of illegitimacy.  I sent the liberals (and John Roberts) a letter noting just that.

Where are these 53 senators people talked about? That would allow a hard loss or two -- the hardest to me being Susan Collins. Damn concern trolling Trump supporter, who now Biden et. al. will have to kowtow since she will do the bare minimum like voting for average Cabinet members and the like. Lindsey Graham, a blot on the Senate, winning is hard to take, but one honestly is not surprised. But, so many assured us Collins would lose.  If Georgia (unless Alaska is an upset, which one is best not to rely on, the Senate will turn on two run-offs as the new Congress starts in January) was no lock, was this more 2016 overoptimism?  Some stupid sex thing apparently factored into the North Carolina race, which is basically done, but state results are being delayed.  Plus, it is North Carolina. It's still conservative, if less so than the likes of South Carolina.  

The inability of voters to care about Republicans enabling Trump -- why shouldn't we be depressed at that -- is seen even in the House of Representatives.  This is getting less attention and is understandable to the degree that 2018 pick-ups came from more conservative areas.  So, some representative blamed abolish the police type rhetoric for losses.  The bothersome thing here still is that if anything Republicans there are even more blatantly all in for Trump.  But, though the results are still coming in, it looks like the Dems could lose ten seats or something, resulting in a thinner majority even there.  

But, Biden/Harris did win.  The Senate isn't quite lost just yet.  And, we shall just have to continue to fight.  The "resistance" is not over, but then, John Lewis told us that, didn't he?  One more thing. The nerdy Steve Kornacki, the numbers guy on MSNBC, is beloved by many.  He sort of annoys me, parsing numbers as we waited for the damn thing etc.  But, I get the love.  And, yeah, just found out -- he came out years ago -- he is gay.  Guess my "gaydar" is questionable.

Thus, see opening comment, we reach the end of the beginning. Or something. Total results not in and then it's on to Georgia.  

ETA: I'm not a great fan of oratory -- it's important but tends to be exaggerated -- but the evening victory speeches were nice.  There was a good "we won!" vibe plus reassurance the good people won at that. People we have a right to trust running the government.  I also really wanted a woman President.  Well, a POC vice president is a start. And, yes, Biden is the guys for the times. To defend myself some, primaries are more about what you want, over what you need. But, yeah, Biden is the right one. 

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