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This blog is the work of an educated civilian, not of an expert in the fields discussed.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Pence Is An Immoral Scumbag

I'm so fucking tired of this.

An entry on civic duties vs. responsibility on another blog is forthcoming. The blog focuses on historical topics though has some opinions. 

But, oh, I can take that to a certain level. One of the travesties of our times is the lack of civic responsibility by many in government. This leads to despair, cynicism, and other bad stuff.

This is the sort of thing involved with Pence raising legislative privilege (sic), the lastest Trump enabling asshole using such things to obstruct justice. The claim is just a tad credible.  For instance, a lower court opinion left it open. But, come on.  The text says "senator."  Can the Chief Justice now claim privilege during an impeachment trial?  

But, on some level, it doesn't fucking matter. He doesn't HAVE to claim it. In fact, his aides already testified to the 1/6 Committee. When there is Speech and Debate privilege, legislative aides are covered too. So, that is just one more level of it.  This is a time-delaying dodge, probably somehow motivated by him running for POTUS and public speaking fees and such.

A spouse can waive privilege. They aren't forced if let's say their spouse raped someone, to not testify. They actually have a moral duty to do so.  Here, Pence -- who wrote a book about and flaunts his moral rectitude, including as a public servant (he swore to uphold the Constitution, swearing means to God, right?)  -- is violating his civic responsibilities.

We saw it repeatedly during both impeachment trials. People refused to agree to be called as a witness (or would have if pressed).  It's down the memory hole, as is basically both impeachments themselves.  Some liberals sneered at the impeachments as wastes of time.  They are enabling the cheapening of the importance of such things, including refusing to help.  Get behind me, Satan! 

I'm reading one of Elaine Pagels' books on Satan (not the Adam and Eve one; not sure if I actually read this one) and reading the chapter on the Romans' view of religion and philosophy. This includes some arguing we should have an evenhanded acceptance of our fate. And, on some level, this is a useful approach.  But, sometimes, I just have to scream a bit.

We -- long after it became clear he was safe -- just got an official note that no federal charges were going to be placed on Rep. Matt Gaetz for his use of funds for underage sex or whatever.  The greater thing there is that guy continues to be in Congress and will be over more credible ones. 

Anyway, I digress a bit.  There has to be a certain level of expectation of civic responsibility in this country. Like those who toss around "Christian" and "religion" to me a certain thing, we should not belittle such terms or merely cynically treat them as bad or worthless. They have important value. And, it disgusts me that they are treated in this way.


I will just note as a bit of a palate cleanser, that Senator John Fetterman (or his office) has announced that he is getting treatment for clinical depression.  This includes some time in a hospital for treatment.

Fetterman is dealing with the effects of a stroke and the stresses of becoming a U.S. senator.  Ideally, it very well might have been a good idea for someone else to have stepped into that role when the news came out.  

But, we did not have the freedom really to risk it with the Senate on the line and the alternative a con artist.  Also, I suppose, there is a good chance that Fetterman was and is able to be a senator.  And, it is a good reminder that many others with a disability are able to thrive.  

A relative has long dealt with depression, so this is one of those things that has a special personal reach for me. But, that tends to be a lot of things. 

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