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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Some Early May Holidays

The beginning of May is just filled with holidays.

Just what is May 1st? Is it a spring festival (May Day) or in honor of labor (one Bluesky reminds us "labor" only involves workers we like, not people like people or those strike breaker non-armed security guards sitting at your local library). Let me add here that when cynical Erik Loomis thinks there has been good labor news, with the help of President Biden, it's notable. 

Or, perhaps it is Loyalty Day? Apparently, this honoring of U.S. values was started in the days of Eisenhower to combat the workers' celebration. Talk about un-American activities!  

The Congress, by Public Law 100-307, as amended, has called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a “National Day of Prayer.”

Ike also made sure to talk about "under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance, since god is clearly on the side of America, unlike those godless commies. Congress made sure to establish religion in other ways, including having presidents announce a national day of prayer (for some reason, addressed to "citizens"). We spoke about this before, including citing Baptists for religious liberty (they are originalists) against the practice. 

[ETA: A closer reading shows that President Biden calls citizens to give thanks while "all people of faith" are called to ask God for guidance. It is more inclusive than I first thought but still curiously split into factions.]  

The most well-known early May holiday is in the spirit of the Fourth of July in that it involves rebelling against Europeans and not having much creativity name-wise. I speak of Cinco de Mayo, which these days seems mostly to be a day for Mexicans to party or people to celebrate in a Mexican fashion. Like our 4th of July, it honored independence before it actually truly occurred.  The French lost a battle but stuck around for a few more years.  

Don't forget ... Mother's Day is the third Sunday of the month. The month then ends with Memorial Day, which honors the semi-official start of summer. Well, also, people who have died in wars. 

May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. Let's read about mental health symbols!

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