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Saturday, March 01, 2025

SCOTUS Watch (Link) and Other Things

I will just provide a link to my Substack SCOTUS summary (which provides a form of my Order Watch).


Vegans are less upset about the price of eggs. The NY Daily News had a good article on one egg substitute with the fancy name "aquafaba" (literally "bean water"). The substitute is suitable for recipes and cocktails:

A 15-ounce can of garbanzo beans will yield about 5 ounces — give or take — of liquid equivalent to about four eggs. 

For those who like scrambled eggs, there are various products, including Just Egg. Or you can use a type of tofu mixture. People who like sunny side up might have to do some more work, but options are around there too. 


I listened (probably re-listened, though I don't recall it) to Bart Ehman's episode on Joseph. He didn't provide a comprehensive discussion, though it was not meant to be. Nonetheless, it is problematic that he didn't reference two things. First, Matthew's birth stories were told from Joseph's point of view.

Second, Mark doesn't reference Joseph. He notes Mark for the fact Mary (and his siblings) reportedly found Jesus's ministry to be off the wall. That would be strange if we follow the assumptions of the two birth narratives. Bart didn't note that Mark calls Jesus the "son of Mary." 

We can't conclude that much via one reference, and this analysis provides multiple possible reasons. It might not have had some ulterior motive (e.g., some implication he had no human father or that he was illegitimate). Still, it is an interesting reference. 

Bart also explains the word, usually translated as "carpenter," had a general meaning as a low-level craftsperson. I recall one scholar arguing it is not necessarily low-level, but that seems to be the general assumption. 

Looking at the word in the Old Testament, there is some cause to limit it to carpenter since mason (stone worker) is labeled using another word. OTOH, Jesus uses references that suggest he is familiar with stonemasonry. By the second century, however, the carpenter side was a common assumption. So, it seems safe to lean that way. 


I re-read Lawrence v. Texas and the same sex marriage opinion. They continue to impress, especially the second. The same sex marriage opinion has been subject to various criticisms by supporters of SSM, including Melissa Murray arguing it is too marriage-focused. 

Why wouldn't an opinion establishing a right to same sex marriage not be marriage focused? Likewise, it is curious to call out the author of an opinion protecting same sex intimacy without marriage as too marriage-focused. And it isn't that bad even in that sense. 

The opinion has a lot of good aspects, including a discussion of coverture to show how marriage changed. Also, for those who wanted the opinion to be based on equal protection, there is a section covering that. It summarizes the aspects of marriage and has a generally respectful tone (contra the dissents). 

I wish there was more notice that same sex couples were in marriage-like relationships for quite some time. Nonetheless, when examining the many amicus briefs provided at the time, I could not find a single one that covered that angle. 

People have covered that ground. 


Finally, Trump and Vance's attack on Zelenskyy (he seems to prefer the double "y") was rather unsurprising. It is obviously horrible and disgusting. 

I am simply appalled we are stuck with this f-ing asshole and his back-up asshole while Republicans enable him like f-ing eunuchs. Are we really going to be stuck with them for four years? 

The purity of the shame we should feel is a stark reminder of where we are as a country. We might want to grin and bear it since we have to live day by day. Sometimes, however, we should firmly admit just how fucked up we are now.